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H2Care service

Hydrogen is the future energy source that can replace the limited resources
and solve the problem of global warming.
The hydrogen station is where hydrogen energy is closest to our everyday lives.
HL Klemove’s H2Care is the world’s only platform that provides information
on hydrogen stations for the users of hydrogen fueled cars.

Visual image of H2Care Service title Visual image of H2Care Service title

Key Feature

Minimizing the charge
waiting time
Improve the experience of
charging by hydrogen
fueled car users
Efficient operation with
a reservation system

Business Model

of the H2Care

  • User App
  • Administrator App
  • Operating Site
  • AI/Cloud Infra System
Users receive correction/statistics of new charging station registration errors from the HL Klemove manager web through APP, standby vehicle information from the charging station CCTV-based counting function, and correction of charging station status information and charging station information from the charging station manager APP. Users receive correction/statistics of new charging station registration errors from the HL Klemove manager web through APP, standby vehicle information from the charging station CCTV-based counting function, and correction of charging station status information and charging station information from the charging station manager APP.

H2Care Service Package (For Charge)

  • 01Provide API on the charging station
    information/ congestion information (App/Web)
    • Location and basic information on
      all charging stations nationwide
    • Charging stations operation status
    • Information on the number of vehicles
      in waiting based on CCTV
  • 02Support the Charging Station’s
    Operating System
    • Making reservations for the charging station
    • Delivering customer messages and
      communication functions within the App
    • Provide additional operations support service
  • 03Promotional advertisements
    within the H2Care App
    • Advertisements on events related to
      charging stations
    • Advertisements of public interest and
      companies related to hydrogen charging
    • Support the service entry through
      other promotional channels

Benefits for the Users
of Hydrogen Fueled Cars

1.Vehicle Driving Record Management(Shows vehicle driving information, Shows cumulative mileage, when linked with Blue Link), 2.Notification on the Charging Reservation Schedule(Shows the charging reservation schedule, that was registered before), 3.Registration of the Frequently Visiting Charging Stations(Quick verification of information on the frequently visiting charging stations), 4.Can Select from the Map-Type or List-Type(Can select the list-type or map-type main page according to the customer convenience), 5.Sort Charging Station by Distance(Sorts and shows the charging stations by distance from the current location according to the GPS), 6.Most Accurate Charging Station Information(Provides the most accurate charging station information, such as operating hours, charging pressure, address, phone number), 7.Fastest Updates on the Charging Station Information(Provides the most up-to-date status on the charging station and the number of vehicles in waiting through the information registered by the charging station managers, hydrogen fueled car users and CCTV counting, etc. )
1.Vehicle Driving Record Management(Shows vehicle driving information, Shows cumulative mileage, when linked with Blue Link), 2.Notification on the Charging Reservation Schedule(Shows the charging reservation schedule, that was registered before), 3.Registration of the Frequently Visiting Charging Stations(Quick verification of information on the frequently visiting charging stations) 4.Can Select from the Map-Type or List-Type(Can select the list-type or map-type main page according to the customer convenience), 5.Sort Charging Station by Distance(Sorts and shows the charging stations by distance from the current location according to the GPS), 6.Most Accurate Charging Station Information(Provides the most accurate charging station information, such as operating hours, charging pressure, address, phone number), 7.Fastest Updates on the Charging Station Information(Provides the most up-to-date status on the charging station and the number of vehicles in waiting through the information registered by the charging station managers, hydrogen fueled car users and CCTV counting, etc. )

Benefits to
the Charging Station Managers

Deliver the conditions of the charging station to the customer quickly and easily through the H2Care Manager App.

Participation by H2Care Users
and Charging Station Managers

Frequent Update on the Number
of Cars in Waiting

Manager and user share information through h2card app
H2Care app image H2Care app image
  • 01. Sharing the most accurate information on the charging station conditions
  • 02. Sharing the most up-to-date information on the number of cars in waiting
  • 03. Easy operation of the charging stations through the reservation system
  • 04. Providing an only outlet to communicate with customers
Reduction of Unnecessary Costs
of CS Responses

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영상에 대한 자막 영역

영상에 대한 자막 영역

영상에 대한 자막 영역

영상에 대한 자막 영역

영상에 대한 자막 영역

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